Content of this page describes the administrative process of connecting service to E-INFRA AAI.
A guide on how to implement a service provider/relying party is available at here.
Service administration and registration takes place in the Service Provider registration application (SPReg). It is available at
The AAI provides a special tool for managing connected and connecting new service to it. The idea of this tool is for users, creating a request with specified settings of the service. After the request is created, AAI operators can review it and decide if the proposal can be accepted or not. After the request is approved, appropriate changes are made in the service configuration.
Services are separated into different environments of the AAI according to their stage of implementation. Currently, two environments are supported - TESTING and PRODUCTION.
This is the test environment all new services are registered into. Such services are limited to be accessed only by the developers.
After the service being developed to the level of your satisfaction, the manager of such service can request transferring the service to the production environment. Services, connected to the AAI in this environment, can be accessed by anyone with the EINFRA credentials (if restricted access is not set up). It is also published on the list of available services connected to the EINFRA AAI.
If you have selected the OpenID Connect as a protocol, please note that the client credentials (Client ID and Client Secret) will be generated after approving the application by the AAI operators. You will need these to set up your service client. It will be made available to the service administrators on the service detail page in the SPReg application.
During the registration process, you will be asked to specify what information about the user will your service consume from the AAI. List of the provided information can be found on the following page.
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